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The Stanford ORCID Initiative

The Stanford ORCID Initiative’s goal is to maximize the presence and value of ORCID iDs for all Stanford researchers. ORCID iDs are unique identifiers for researchers that help them get credit for their work; they also connect systems, making research processes and administration better and easier. 

In November 2019, the Stanford Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Computing and Information Systems recommended that Stanford embrace the use of ORCID iDs university-wide. In November 2020, the Faculty Senate passed a resolution brought forward by the Committee on Libraries stating that ““Each member of the Academic Council will obtain an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID ID), with assistance provided as necessary by the Stanford Libraries.”

In response to these developments, a cross-campus coalition comprising the Libraries, Dean of Research, Stanford Medicine, and University IT have been coordinating on a three-pronged initiative: 

  1. To promote ORCID iDs to all Stanford researchers and offices
  2. To integrate ORCID iDs into relevant campus information systems
  3. To support individual researchers in claiming and using their ORCID iD

In May of 2021, librarians across campus (including Stanford Libraries, Lane Medical Library and the Graduate School of Business and Law School) launched a wave of sustained outreach promoting ORCID iDs and how to’s, centered around, and supported by hands on workshops and ads in the Stanford Report. 

In the near future, we will have more news on further developments around ORCID, including the ability to link your SUNet ID with your ORCID iD, and also automatically populating your ORCID record with information from Stanford Profiles

ORCID is an independent non-profit organization formed through partnership among research institutions, publishers and funders, with a mission to connect research and researchers. ORCID iDs and records are created and controlled by each individual researcher.

This post was co-authored with Zach Chandler, Director of Research Information Technology and Innovation in the Office of the Dean of Research. 

Zach Chandler


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