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Beta Release of Library of Congress Web Archives Playback Services

This guest post was authored by Abbie Grotke, Head of the Web Archiving Section.

As described in our prior blog post, we have been in the process of modernizing and making improvements to the Library of Congress Web Archives to improve functionality for users. While this work has taken us a bit longer than anticipated, we are pleased to announce the beta release of our new ”playback services” –an upgrade to the way users view content in the web archives within a browser. Characteristic of a beta release, the playback services are still being tested and refined, but we have advanced to the stage where we are ready for the public to try it out and send us their feedback.

Here are some tips to finding the beta:  

First, visit our web archives at and browse to available item records.  Using date range filters for content archived after 2015 will give you examples of web archives that should have results with content released on the beta. When browsing items records, beta content will be linked under the thumbnail images. 

The Vermont Division of State Parks and Outdoor Recreation web archive, which shows an example of how to access the beta presentation.

In this example, under the thumbnail image you will see text with the Source URL and other information, like below:  

The text in this image reads, "View Captures - Source Url: | View Beta Presentation. Some content may be under embargo. See the Rights and Access statement for more information."
Close-up view of the options for viewing captures.

The “View Beta Presentation” link takes you to the new beta presentation, which has improved performance but limited content as we continue to work to ingest and index our web archives, including pre-2015 web archives and more recent content as it comes out of our one-year embargo.  We will continue to roll out additional content until we move from beta to production. While we are in this beta phase, users may need to view the old and new presentations to see all content archived by the Library of Congress up through the embargo dates. 

If you only see “View Captures” on an item record, the beta has not been released yet for that content – like in this example: 

The Pan American Health Organization web archive, which does not have the option to view the beta presentation.

Clicking on “View Captures” in the blue bar across the thumbnail and in the text below will take you to our original/older OpenWayback viewer with content archived prior to 2015. However, as our prior blog post described, users of the OpenWayback version may experience outages or slow speeds while we continue to migrate all of our collections to the new playback services. 

We are interested in your feedback as you begin to use the beta. Please send any comments, questions, or any other feedback about your experiences to us directly or share in the comments below.  

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